Dear friend,
it's lyk a tough day, ya know?
I've got high fever at nite, have bad dream all night, screaming by myself @drimz, and my tongue feel bitter for swallowing any food. It happens for around four days, and I'm afraid I gotta get Typhus again. Y know that I've got this disease and it's really a sorrow for me if I gotta it again, especially at this time.
Next Monday, I'll start my final exam, and it would be held for two weeks. So, could you imagine how suffer I am if that typhus comes to me again?
So, I'm starting do exercise again. Jogging every morning, biking due to activity and try to swallow food as much as I can. I also drinking a lot, eat a lot of vegetables, fruit, limit the amount of ice and bath twice each day.
Fortunately, my condition now getting better, haha.
Hope this condition will be continued, at least till two-three weeks later. Amen.
Hey dude, however, lyk my older promise at my older post, I'll try to preview bout theme maker-Nokia, as granted request from one of my friend.
All previews are for a theme in 176x208px. So if you create a theme in another screensize, then are also other sizes for any new image needed what you want to change. The correct sizes would always shown in the properties window.
Step-by step
First, download the file and then, installed it through your PC.
After it done, choose "Create New Theme" , select basic graphic/s60 theme,
then click on 'Preferences' to select the programs which you want to use to edit bitmaps, vector graphics and sounds

Step 2
Choose your programs

Step 3
click on 'gallery' to select how much images you want to see on the right site in the preview window, carbide need more time to start if you use to much previews

Step 4
Begin with the background images for the Active and Idle background. Use the correct size, here as example 176x208px for the 3250 or N91, all newest nokia mobiles have 240x320px.
You can use all images per drag and drop.

Step 5
Now change the navi pane if you want. To make them transparent for different background images go to edit/ animate, use new layer and select clear layer for the first.

Here an example if you want to use the navipane (size here for a 176x208px theme), the needed size stand always in the properties window

Step 6
Change the text colour, use a colour which looks nice and works with the theme/ backgrounds

Step 7
In the colour mode of the mainarea you can change the colour of the status indicators, this colour would also used for the date in the analogue clock

Step 8
Select and change the colour for the 'Highlighted Items'

Step 9
The list text colour is the same as the inactive highlights

Step 10
The colour settings for the softkeys need no illustration
Step 11
Primary items colour settings of the calendar. The colour of 'Column Separator Lines' is the line of the standby mode on the idle background

Step 12
Secondary items colour settings

Step 13
Colours of the popup window items
Step 14
Calendar 'View Items' colour
Step 15
Colour of 'Setting Option Items'

Step 16
Colour of 'Setting Option Highlighted Items'

Step 17
Colour of 'Cut\Copy\Paste Highlight'
Step 18
Colour of 'Others'
Step 19
If you want to use the part of the background image for the status area, then is nothing to edit, or you use images in the correct size per drag and drop. If you want to use navibars then change them also per drag and drop. If you want to use different images for the idle and main background, then make a rightclick on the image in the small preview under the big preview window, then click on edit/ animate. In the new window go into the properties window -> new layer, then -> 'clear' the first layer.

Step 20
Changing Icons. To change the icons use png files in the correct size (would shown in the properties window). Best solution are svg icon, because they looks on all screen sizes nice.

Step 21
Editing of the 'List Highlights'. You have two options:
Use a new image in a size as needed

Change the colour as shown
Step 22
Editing of the 'Grid Highlights'. It's the same way as with the 'List Highlights'

Step 23
Editing of the 'Input Highlight'. Also the same as with the 'List Highlights'.
Step 24
Editing of the 'Popup Windows'

Step 25
Editing of thew 'Call Handling Windows'

Step 26
Editing of the 'Indicators'

Step 27
Scrollbars and Lines

Step 28
Analogue Clock and Hands
The easiest way to have a good result is to use one of the default clocks which came with carbide. You can use them per copy and paste if you open one of the default themes. If the new clock would shown in your theme, then take a look in the colour properties window and play a bit with colours. You will see that the default clock looks complete new.
If you have a svg editor, then open the default clock per right click and use it as sample for a new clock.
You can also create a png clock with your bitmap editor, shown as here in the preview, but then is also a mask needed. The clockhands could be edited to change the colour or to create new as svg image.

Step 29
That what a written on the preview isn't complete right, because you can make a rightclick on the image in the properties window on singlepiece/ 9piece, in the small popup window which would shown click on 'No' and you can use one image. You can also make rightclick to open the frame in a svg editor, make the layer hidden and save. No is the frame not shown and you see the background image from the menu background.
The newest mobiles don't have these 'Pinboard'.
Step 30

Step 31
Use the same way to edit as with the 'Highlights'

Step 32
Use a image in the correct size.
Important for carbide 3.1 (don't know if the bug also exits in carbide 3.2):
The image for the musicplayer must be BMP files or SVG, not PNG. Open your image what you want to use in your bitmap editor and save the image maybe on your desktop as bmp. Go back to carbide and use the saved bmp file from the desktop per drag and drop.
If you not use this way then comes an error message if the sis file should be generated.
Step 33
If you sure about your edited and changed things then save (you can also save between all your steps). The first place if you didn't use another place is the 'Workspace' folder in the directory of carbide. Change it if you want to another place for saving your theme.
Well dude..that's all..
still dunno wat to perform in next post.
It's maybe a full recorder for s60v3 or else...
Dunno yeah...
Submit your request then and
See You ^^
Filenya gede banget loh.. 167 Mb, download disini yah..
it's lyk a tough day, ya know?
I've got high fever at nite, have bad dream all night, screaming by myself @drimz, and my tongue feel bitter for swallowing any food. It happens for around four days, and I'm afraid I gotta get Typhus again. Y know that I've got this disease and it's really a sorrow for me if I gotta it again, especially at this time.
Next Monday, I'll start my final exam, and it would be held for two weeks. So, could you imagine how suffer I am if that typhus comes to me again?
So, I'm starting do exercise again. Jogging every morning, biking due to activity and try to swallow food as much as I can. I also drinking a lot, eat a lot of vegetables, fruit, limit the amount of ice and bath twice each day.
Fortunately, my condition now getting better, haha.
Hope this condition will be continued, at least till two-three weeks later. Amen.
Hey dude, however, lyk my older promise at my older post, I'll try to preview bout theme maker-Nokia, as granted request from one of my friend.
All previews are for a theme in 176x208px. So if you create a theme in another screensize, then are also other sizes for any new image needed what you want to change. The correct sizes would always shown in the properties window.
Step-by step
First, download the file and then, installed it through your PC.
After it done, choose "Create New Theme" , select basic graphic/s60 theme,
then click on 'Preferences' to select the programs which you want to use to edit bitmaps, vector graphics and sounds

Step 2
Choose your programs

Step 3
click on 'gallery' to select how much images you want to see on the right site in the preview window, carbide need more time to start if you use to much previews

Step 4
Begin with the background images for the Active and Idle background. Use the correct size, here as example 176x208px for the 3250 or N91, all newest nokia mobiles have 240x320px.
You can use all images per drag and drop.

Step 5
Now change the navi pane if you want. To make them transparent for different background images go to edit/ animate, use new layer and select clear layer for the first.

Here an example if you want to use the navipane (size here for a 176x208px theme), the needed size stand always in the properties window

Step 6
Change the text colour, use a colour which looks nice and works with the theme/ backgrounds

Step 7
In the colour mode of the mainarea you can change the colour of the status indicators, this colour would also used for the date in the analogue clock

Step 8
Select and change the colour for the 'Highlighted Items'

Step 9
The list text colour is the same as the inactive highlights

Step 10
The colour settings for the softkeys need no illustration
Step 11
Primary items colour settings of the calendar. The colour of 'Column Separator Lines' is the line of the standby mode on the idle background

Step 12
Secondary items colour settings

Step 13
Colours of the popup window items
Step 14
Calendar 'View Items' colour
Step 15
Colour of 'Setting Option Items'

Step 16
Colour of 'Setting Option Highlighted Items'

Step 17
Colour of 'Cut\Copy\Paste Highlight'
Step 18
Colour of 'Others'
Step 19
If you want to use the part of the background image for the status area, then is nothing to edit, or you use images in the correct size per drag and drop. If you want to use navibars then change them also per drag and drop. If you want to use different images for the idle and main background, then make a rightclick on the image in the small preview under the big preview window, then click on edit/ animate. In the new window go into the properties window -> new layer, then -> 'clear' the first layer.

Step 20
Changing Icons. To change the icons use png files in the correct size (would shown in the properties window). Best solution are svg icon, because they looks on all screen sizes nice.

Step 21
Editing of the 'List Highlights'. You have two options:
Use a new image in a size as needed

Change the colour as shown
Step 22
Editing of the 'Grid Highlights'. It's the same way as with the 'List Highlights'

Step 23
Editing of the 'Input Highlight'. Also the same as with the 'List Highlights'.
Step 24
Editing of the 'Popup Windows'

Step 25
Editing of thew 'Call Handling Windows'

Step 26
Editing of the 'Indicators'

Step 27
Scrollbars and Lines

Step 28
Analogue Clock and Hands
The easiest way to have a good result is to use one of the default clocks which came with carbide. You can use them per copy and paste if you open one of the default themes. If the new clock would shown in your theme, then take a look in the colour properties window and play a bit with colours. You will see that the default clock looks complete new.
If you have a svg editor, then open the default clock per right click and use it as sample for a new clock.
You can also create a png clock with your bitmap editor, shown as here in the preview, but then is also a mask needed. The clockhands could be edited to change the colour or to create new as svg image.

Step 29
That what a written on the preview isn't complete right, because you can make a rightclick on the image in the properties window on singlepiece/ 9piece, in the small popup window which would shown click on 'No' and you can use one image. You can also make rightclick to open the frame in a svg editor, make the layer hidden and save. No is the frame not shown and you see the background image from the menu background.
The newest mobiles don't have these 'Pinboard'.

Step 30

Step 31
Use the same way to edit as with the 'Highlights'

Step 32
Use a image in the correct size.
Important for carbide 3.1 (don't know if the bug also exits in carbide 3.2):
The image for the musicplayer must be BMP files or SVG, not PNG. Open your image what you want to use in your bitmap editor and save the image maybe on your desktop as bmp. Go back to carbide and use the saved bmp file from the desktop per drag and drop.
If you not use this way then comes an error message if the sis file should be generated.
Step 33
If you sure about your edited and changed things then save (you can also save between all your steps). The first place if you didn't use another place is the 'Workspace' folder in the directory of carbide. Change it if you want to another place for saving your theme.
Well dude..that's all..
still dunno wat to perform in next post.
It's maybe a full recorder for s60v3 or else...
Dunno yeah...
Submit your request then and
See You ^^
Filenya gede banget loh.. 167 Mb, download disini yah..
4 comment:
waduh mbak..file nya terlalu besar...weiit..mesti lama nongkrong di warnt neh..mana warnetnya lemot lagi..T.T
but btw, thanks ya..
thanks udah share aplikasiyang sip banged...
hmm..kalo yang buat s40,bisa request gak..
thnks bfore
tukeran link donk sis
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Christian hadi w
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