MobILe KAspERsKy "AnTiVirUs"
MobIle KasPErsKY AntiVirus Is A GReaT AntivirUS ProgRam, Yeah..
MObiLE KasPerSKy Is A gReaT Tool for EvEryoNE
MobILE KAspersKY contain Few Applications Inside.
haha..., it's lyk a bait of a song rite?
but somehow, i feel that those are true..
however dude, there's few announcement for you:
rite now, i've changed the rules in giving comment.
1.Because so many spammers arrive, I decide to moderate the comments that come to me. It's more because if they're so many link outside, it'll put down the rank in Google search.
2.I must accept the fact that not all application can works rite by installing secman. there's few application that denying the certificate and protected itself to be certificated. dunno why
3.The secman maybe will not works properly for few phone models. If you dunno is it works well or not, just try to install it to your phone.
4.The guardian, although it's crack version, there's several inconvenient use in it. it's such, if you exit that application, all the setting you've done to your phone by the guardian is being reset. So your phone will be not protected anymore.
So, i suggest you , after you installing that Guardian, please update it via your phone, and then install the newest version. Although it's still trial version, and I dunno yet the key of new version, you'll get standard protection. that's it, sending sms when your simcard being changed (if your phone is lost). Another protection of your phone, you could do it by your karspesky, right?
5.There's contest I'll held next month. what kind of contest?
I'm still keeping it secret. At least, all of you could joining the contest (but Im so sorry cause it's limited to indonesian only). And the contest would be having bigger prize than "giving comment get IDR 25,000,-"
The main prize will be IDR 500,000,-
There'll be another prize too!!!
Is your heart beat rapidly?
Just wait till next month and I'll tell you how.
stay tune here so you'll not losing the info.
Prepare yourself ya for shocking June...
6.I'll start another business and maybe i'll advertise it here. If you want your banner to be shown here, just send me email on
There's space ad there that you could use and it's cheap at price.
Just PM me and I'll show you the ways.
For info: this site has visit 1000-2000/day.
Not so big in amount but it's good to start your banner to be promoted right?
7.It's not an important announcement because it's my personal diary.
I've underestimate few lazy boys at campus and at Warkop (Coffee shop)-they're all my friends and they're all so lazy, seldom to going to campus, all bad score in IPK and IPS (Index score)
But somehow, after I know them deeper, I'm so surprised.
-Dani, his IP only 1,xx from 4. He's so stupid at calculus, integral, limit, linear system, math and something like that but guess what? He's an expert in making robot (use in KRI /KRCI), programming (C,C++,assembler,Pascal,and so on) also make device and tools using microcontroller (such as Z80, MCS51, bla bla bla)
-Faris, same like dani. He's even still remember how flip-flop are! (this is a subject that we must take at second semester. now we're at 8semester!)
-Pakdhe, his real name I forget. he called pakde because his face is too old! He loves smoking and drinking, saying bad work like jancuk(java language), same as Fu** in english.
He's smart at programming too although his basic was power!!! Woww.... Pakdhe's IP is 0.5 from 4 scale
-Uteq Blanq, he loves saying bad words, drinking so much coffee, waste his time only in warkop, day by day, a stupid playboy, but he's so smart at hacking and cracking device like routing, wifi protected until steal wifi connection through in your home, freely.
-becak, same as uteq, he's smart at hacking and cracking.He has so much interesting way of think.
-Maskin Boy, his real name is tony okta. He's my college's friend. So stupid at studying , so stupid at talking, but guess what?
He's one of the biggest supplier at Surabaya of electronic component like solar cell, microcontroller,eeprom,modul and downloader and so on.
He starts he's business two years ago and now, he's supplying the demand stock from Singapore,China and Taiwan. He usually went there for renewing the stock.
His business talent is so wonderful, awesome,
Although, he's age is still 23!!!
From those peoples, I started to realize that everybody has a plus point. I usually see, that most smart-study-oriented student in campus has make themself exclusive, building gap from the "Stupid" one and as they can, they touch "Stupider's life" as small as possible.
For it, i remember what maskin boy said:
"The smart people is still need to compete each others after graduate for finding jobs."
I agree with him for it. The one that they're forget is a "link".
I dunno why but usually the "stupid"one has an awesome link everywhere. And the smarter doesn't realize it. And what they do is only catching good score so that they could seek great job. They're not thinking too much about "Making Job by themself"
Hope you catch what I'm thinking about.
I dunno how, but after I know bout them, I thanked to God for meeting them.
Kaspersky Anti-Virus Mobile is a convenient and reliable solution that protects smartphones from malicious programs that target mobile platforms. Viruses, worms and Trojans have spread beyond personal computers. With the growing popularity of smartphones and communicators (that are essentially small computers), malicious programs for mobile devices are appearing in increasing numbers and diversity. In developing Kaspersky Anti-Virus Mobile we have combined the latest Kaspersky Lab technologies to protect mobile platforms with our long experience of working in the antivirus field. This solution offers effective protection for your smartphone and personal data from malicious programs.
this kaspersky is a great mobile tools y know,
because this program will not only serve you an antivirus, but also give you convenient tools like:
1. stealth sms , so you can send sms when you lost your phone contains few choice like sms-block ( it will blocking your phone if the code is match), sms-clean (it will clearing all your important data at your lost phone), or sms-find (it will find the location of the phone).
I suggest you to activate the guardian too, so that you'll have several security point when you lost your phone, because guardian will send the sms to number that you like when the simcard is being changed. And you know that usually simcard is being changed by the thief right?
So, if you're installing both of them, you'll receive simcard changed report sms from Guardian and then you could send the stealth sms to that phone by using kaspersky from another device.
2.Black list and white list
If you're installing full version of karspersky,you'll found that there are blacklist and whitelist application. If there are people call you, the karspersky would ask: where to put the caller. Through black or whitelist or you can choose skip them if you don't wanna list them.
The incoming sms also be protected to. The kaspersky will ask you whether you choose white or blacklist or skip it.
So nice antivirus right?

Then, now, how to install it?
1. It's for symbian okay. and the format is .sis. However, it'll work best at s60v3 edition.
2. You must have install Secman before through your mobile phone and computer. for detailed ways and link download of this secman, just read it from my previous post, here
3.The kaspersky file that I've added is the file i've signed using Rootsign, so no needed to open Rootsign in the computer, just open the secman and install it into your phone
4.Input the code asked
5.You must have internet connection at your phone. Because after input the code, you'll be bring online and download the latest update so that your kaspersky will provide you full access scanning your phone.
That's it! Enjoy your Kaspersky mobile Edition ^ ^
next post, i'll discuss about nokia themes maker, Insha Allah ^ ^
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2 comment:
i want to try it. thx
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