Im Coming bAcK..!!
Gwa punya loh koleksi barunya, tapi kalo diupload kelamaan gak yah?
Ntar pada marah2 sampai ada yang misuhin segala soalnya linknya udah gak aktif.
Maklum kan pake hosting gratisan...
Jadi curhat dikit boleh ya?
So, sebenernya gini, kemarin tuh Q rajin banget update nih blog..
tapi berhubung notebook gwa dodol kena virus.., aktivitas ngenet gwa terhenti untuk smentara, cz klo musti ngandalin warnet kan mahalll...
Trus, cobaan Gwa gak sampe disitu. Hape gw yang selama ini jadi ajang percobaan software2 baru, eh.. ikutan rusak juga (klo ini sampai sekarang lom bener, jadi Q ngga bisa jamin apa aplikasi2 yang gw kasih selanjutnya bisa or compatible ama hape kalian)
Jadi gini, hape gw, Moto E680tuh kemarin gwa coba2 install theme baru.. Ga tawnya, mengandung virus!
So, sekarang, bukan tampilan bagus yang kudapat, melainkan rusaknya semua aplikasi phone! Bahkan bahasa yang digunakan jadi Mandarin! Gimana gak stress gwa??
Buat pemilik hape motorola, yang pingin nginstall theme, harap berhati2.
mang ce theme motorola susaah banget dicari, tapi sekali nemu, ya dangerous macam gitu.
Tapi kalo kalian masih penasaran walau dah taw risikonya, monggo.
Kirim ja request kalian ke, ntar pasti tak kasih link nya, disini!
Tapi kalau kalian dah bonex kayak gitu, saranQ..., hape motorola kalian harus bener2 sesuai tipe. Maksudku, misal di linkny taktulis, untuk hape motorola v3, selain jenis itu jangan nyoba, walaupun semerek dan bisa diinstall, coz bener2bakalbikin runyam ponsel kalian.
Ok Gays?
Note : friendster aQ :
Nah,siap siap buat sedot software aplikasi en game hape yak...
It is basically what the name implies; 3 timers. It is a j2me (mobile) application that should work on most mobile devices and is useful for sport, in the kitchen and many other things.
These 3 timers can be started/paused/stopped individually or in sync together.
A timer count down is also featured which will play a sound and/or vibrate after the time specified is up.
This program measures time interval from today (or chooosen date) to certain date... Additional functions: - You can set list of dates - Automatically resize for phone screen - The program have 7 color schemes
3. Java Video Player
mvideo 1.0 java video player
Showing SRT subtitles
Playing in 0°, 90°, 180°, 270° angles
Mirrored playing
Changing color and font size in subtitles
4. BarCOde
5. Real Player
6. Need for Speed (Game)
7. Qur'an V7
8. 3 D Bomberman (Game)
9. RagnaRok
10. My Two Things
my2thing is a program meant for flirt chat and communication through mobile phones. The mobile application is suitable for use in highly crowded public places within a small perimeter such as discotheque, café, restaurant, bus-stop, airport, train, bus, classroom etc.
You enter into dialogue just like ICQ or MSN with a chosen person for unlimited time and send as many messages as you want absolutely free of charge.
You can use the program in two main directions:
* Flirt - Chat
* Chat – Communication
Flirt – Chat: my2thing gives you the opportunity to search for a person within the Bluetooth range conforming to a set profile. Just imagine that you are in a café, bar, restaurant or just standing at the bus-stop with activated my2thing and your phone warns you that there is someone near you that partially or completely comes up to your expectations of man or woman’s type you have always been looking for. Sending some messages absolutely free of charge you start a flirt-chat that can bring along to something really beautiful and romantic…
Chat – Communication: Sending messages that are absolutely free of charge through my2thing you can easily communicate with your friends and acquaintances already added in your my2thing - address book. You can use my2thing in a discotheque, classroom or anywhere you have no chance for a direct contact and chat for hours absolutely free of charge!
11. PDF Reader 4 Java
Naahh... kesemuanya sekarang udah Q siapin dalam 1 link Khusus.
Update Rutin Loh, walau ga always Tiap Hari...
KLIK DISINI (maaf,link rusak)
Ini dari situsnya
Aplikasi HP Gratis (Java): AlQuran, World FactBook, Kamus Indonesia-Inggris, Worldmate
Karena banyak yg minta, berikut ini beberapa aplikasi java untuk HP kamu, Gratis!!. Aplikasi ini sdh saya coba di Sony Ericsson k750i.
1. AlQuran
a. AlQuran dan Terjemah Indonesia
Versi asli freeware ini dlm bhs Inggris kemudian saya ubah kedalam bhs Indonesia. Sayang freeware ini ada kadaluarsa-nya yaitu: 2008-03-09, jadi tdk bisa digunakan jika lewat waktu tersebut. Tapi ternyata masalah bisa diatasai dg cara merubah tanggal di HP anda. Versi terbaru (4.3.4) bisa didownload disini
b. Pocket AlQuran, spt yg pernah diposting sebelumnya
c. AlQuran, sama dg pocket AlQuran hanya beda tampilan
2. World FactBook 2007
Berisi ttg data-data negara; bendera, peta, introduction, isu-isu terakhir, dsb
3. Kamus Indonesia-Inggris untuk HP, gratis
Download JAR file (PD English-Indonesia.jar)
4. Worldmate
Mengetahui prakiraan cuaca di beberapa negara, bisa diupdate by GPRS. Nilai tukar mata uang. Jam dunia.
Semoga bermanfaat, kalau ada yg punya lain boleh berbagi ya!
artikel terkait aplikasi HP gratisan:
Aplikasi HP Gratis (Java): AlQuran, World FactBook, Kamus Indonesia-Inggris, Worldmate
Aplikasi HP Gratis (Symbian): PDF Reader
Aplikasi HP Gratis (Java): Peta Jakarta
Aplikasi HP Gratis (Java): Mobile Molvee 3 - Pengingat Waktu Sholat
Aplikasi HP Gratis (Java): PDF Reader untuk HP Java
Aplikasi HP Gratis (Java): Document Viewer
Aplikasi HP Gratis (Java): Kitab Hadits Shahih Muslim (English)
1 comment:
thanks yaw........tas gw bertanya2 siapa kah cew yg di pojok kanan itu yaw..?????.....manis banget....hehehehehe.....KNAPA ??? MANG GAK BOLEH MUJI ORANG.........................
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